Sunday, 6 September 2015

Four Lions (2010) opening tiles analysis.

Diegetic sound is used to focus the attention of the audience on what is happening on the screen - all of your attention gets put on the characters.
There is a 'grainy' audio quality to match the home video, which switches to a higher quality afterwards.
There is no use of background music (or non-diegetic sounds) until almost 3 minutes in, when the titles first come on screen.
The non-diegetic sound is composed to fit the mood set by the characters, for the transition between the opening sequence and the titles.

Lighting/colour tone.
The initial setting uses a dark, enclosed room which is mysterious, but at the same time focuses the demographics' attention on the character on screen.

The editing used shows the clips cohesively from minimal angles (the 'home video' angle, close up on other characters and a wider shot of all three characters). No transitions have been used between different shots, makes the scene more intense.

Some props used include: A gun and Eastern type backdrop sheets - both of which suggests crime and extremists. 

1 comment:

  1. Good use of subheadings to organise your analysis. Re-read your work and check your literacy - potentially type out your work in work before uploading.
